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About ElevatEd
Uplifting the field of early childhood Jewish education, one educator at a time.
Early childhood centers of all types and denominations in each pioneer community can apply to join ElevatEd.

Pioneer communities benefit from recruitment support for up to 30 new classroom educators, as well as a community coordinator, director training, and a mentorship program to strengthen the career path in early childhood education.

Individuals and stakeholders at every level in the Jewish community will benefit from this unprecedented partnership to transform ECJE and maximize its scale, influence, and reach in North America.

Emerging Educators
Emerging educators benefit from targeted recruitment, a year of custom learning with experts in the field, a community of practice, 18 months of mentorship, and credentialing support.
Emerging Mentors
Emerging mentors - teachers who have four to ten years experience - participate in 18 months of professional learning, reflection, and growth as they develop expertise as mentors to new professionals.
Families with young children
Families with young children benefit from enrolling in schools with highly qualified educators who can connect them to other families and the larger Jewish community.
Early childhood Jewish education centers
Early childhood Jewish education centers can focus on students’ learning, knowing that there is a pipeline of educators to staff their schools, training to ensure high-quality instruction, and financial support to cover classrooms while emerging educators and mentors participate in the year of learning.
Pioneer communities
Pioneer communities can involve more families in Jewish communal life as their early childhood centers grow. Their early childhood professionals can reach across boundaries to build relationships with other Jewish organizations, enriching and uniting the Jewish community.
The North American Jewish community
The North American Jewish community will benefit from ElevatEd’s momentum and positive change as more Jewish families choose early childhood Jewish education and take steps toward lifelong engagement in the Jewish world.
ElevatEd will change the face of ECJE
Focus on education
Focus on educators
Fragmented and local
Connected and continental
Respected and supported
ECJE as a passion
ECJE as a profession
Institutional revenue stream
Investment in the future
JCC Association of North America
The Jewish Federations of North America
Union For Reform Judaism