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Building a powerful career path through reflective practice and coaching.
Mentoring is critical to the development of the early childhood Jewish education field.

ElevatEd invites experienced educators with at least four years’ experience in the classroom to join the mentor program. Educators will take part in a serious, year-long professional development program to help them grow as reflective practitioners, deep listeners, and educative coaches. Each mentor will work with one or two mentees and develop as a teacher-leader. Mentors and mentees work at the same school so they have ample opportunity to meet, observe, and develop a strong relationship.

What is the program?

As an ElevatEd emerging mentor, you will deepen your connections at your Jewish early childhood center and receive:

You will earn a stipend above your regular salary to support your learning and growth as an emerging mentor to an early childhood educator.

Mentor training
You will participate in a full academic year of training to help you build the skills of a mentor teacher.

Mentee support
You will work closely with a mentee for 18 months, helping an emerging educator learn, reflect, and grow as a professional.

Community of practice
You will join a community of practice, a network of other incredible mentor teachers with whom you can learn, grow, and build community.

Dedicated time
Your school will receive a stipend to cover the cost of substitute teachers so you can use dedicated time during the school day for ElevatEd learning.


  • Teachers who have four to 10 years of experience in the classroom. Emerging mentors do not need to have worked continuously at the same school during that time.
  • Emerging mentors should have some experience working in Jewish settings and/or sharing Jewish culture and tradition with young children.
  • We are seeking educators who may not yet view themselves as mentors or veteran teachers but are excited to learn, grow, and gain leadership skills.
  • Emerging mentors should be able to maintain a trusting professional relationship and be attentive to sensitive political issues.
  • Emerging mentors will learn about goal setting, observation, and giving and receiving feedback in productive ways.
  • Emerging mentors must be available and willing to meet all time commitments, including weekly 45-to-60-minute meetings, classroom observations, and attendance at all trainings.
  • We want our mentorship program to cultivate the next generation of veteran, expert teachers who will help grow the field of early childhood Jewish education.
What is the timeline?

Mentors for Cohort 2 will join ElevatEd for the start of the 2024–25 school year. The learning, mentee relationship, and community of practice continue through the fall semester of 2025–26. After that time, the tools and relationships you gain through ElevatEd can help you continue to grow as a mentor in your early childhood staff community!

What is the commitment?

Mentors will participate in six three-hour training sessions and five 90-minute reflection sessions throughout the academic year.

Mentors will meet with their mentee weekly for at least 45 minutes.

Mentors will participate in a monthly hour-long community of practice with other mentors from their pioneer community and around the country.

JCC Association of North America
The Jewish Federations of North America
Union For Reform Judaism